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Most Expensive Chinese Tea: Tieguanyin Only Ranks at No.9

Welcome, tea enthusiasts!

As the birthplace of tea, China boasts a rich and diverse tea culture, offering a wide range of tea varieties.

Within China, some teas are highly valued for their exceptional quality and significant historical significance.

Among these teas, some can be sold for millions of yuan per 10 grams, due to their exceptional qualities. (7 Yuan=1 USD)

Today, let’s take a look at the most expensive teas in China.

10.Guizhou Duyun Maojian-(贵州都匀毛尖)-Green Tea

Pinyin: Guìzhōu Dūyún Máojiān

Guizhou Duyun Maojian is known for its delicate, needle-like leaves and a fresh, slightly sweet flavor profile. Grown in the mist-shrouded mountains of Guizhou, its limited production and careful handcrafting contribute to its exquisite taste.

In 2011, at the Duyun Maojian New Tea Auction held during the opening ceremony, three lots of “Duyun Maojian Special Edition Treasure Tea King” (150g each) were auctioned, with a total transaction price of 220,000 yuan.

Among them, the “Duyun Maojian Special Edition Treasure Tea King” No. 2 (150g) reached a highest bid of 100,000 yuan, equivalent to 666,000 yuan per kilogram.

Click Here for the recommended tea sets for this type of tea.✨

9. Anxi Tie Guan Yin-(安溪铁观音)-Oolong Tea

Pinyin: Ānxī Tiě Guānyīn

In June 2012, at the China Strait Fine Teas Spring Auction, the tea king Tie Guan Yin was sold for 67,000 yuan per 100 grams.

Equivalent to 670,000 yuan per kilogram, this sale broke the record for the highest price achieved for spring Tie Guan Yin.

The labor-intensive process of hand-rolling and meticulous roasting of the leaves contributes to the tea’s elevated price.

Its exceptional taste and popularity among tea connoisseurs drive up demand and value.

Click Here to see the recommended tea sets for this type of tea.✨

8. Anhui Liu An Melon Seed-(安徽六安瓜片)-Green Tea

Pinyin: Ānhuī Liù’ān Guāpiàn

Anhui Liu An Melon Seed boasts large, flat leaves with a distinct melon seed shape. Its flavor is characterized by a mild, vegetal sweetness and a hint of nuttiness, making it a unique and enjoyable choice.

In April 2002, a batch of Liu An Melon Seed produced by Xu Daoxian was auctioned for an astonishing 46,000 yuan per ounce, equivalent to 920,000 yuan per kilogram.

During the 2014 Liu’an Tea Garden First Tea Harvest, Liu An Melon Seed was auctioned on Taobao, reaching a final price of 103,800 yuan per set, setting a record for the highest price in Taobao’s tea auctions that year.

Click Here to see the recommended tea sets for this type of tea.✨

7. Chaozhou Fenghuang Dan Cong Song Zhong 1 –(潮州凤凰单丛宋种1号)-Oolong Tea

Pinyin: Cháozhōu Fènghuáng Dān Cóng Sōng Zhong 1

At the Fenghuang Dan Cong Song Zhong excavation ceremony in Chaozhou, Guangdong Province, a sky-high price of one million yuan per kilogram was fetched for this rare tea.

Due to its rarity, Song Zhong 1 only yields around two jin (approximately 1 kilogram) of tea each year, making it a highly prized variety.

Click Here to see the recommended tea sets for this type of tea.✨

6. Henan Xinyang Maojian-(河南信阳毛尖)-Green Tea

Pinyin: Hénán Xìnyáng Máojiān

Xinyang Maojian, celebrated for its unique flavor, is one of China’s top ten famous teas, alongside West Lake Longjing, and is a premium variety among green teas.

In 2006, at the Premium Xinyang Tea Auction, the tea king “Blue Sky Jade Leaves” was sold for 745,000 yuan per jin (500 grams), equivalent to 1.49 million yuan per kilogram, setting the highest price ever for green tea in China.

Green tea is the best for weight loss, here are some cheaper alternatives but deliver exact same effects 😊

5. Anhui Huangshan Maofeng-(安徽黄山毛峰)-Green Tea

Pinyin: Ānhuī Huángshān Máofēng

In June 2007, at the first “Huangshan Cup” Fine Tea Auction held by Shanghai International Commodity Auction, 50 grams of Wang Mantian’s premium Huangshan Maofeng sold for an astounding 85,000 yuan, equivalent to 1.7 million yuan per kilogram.

14 years have passed, but such a price remains unimaginable even today.

4. Anhui Taiping Houkui-(安徽太平猴魁)-Green Tea

Pinyin: Ānhuī Tàipíng Hóukuí

Amidst Anhui’s numerous famous mountains, Taiping Houkui stands out as one of the best. In 2007, at the Shanghai “Huangshan Cup” Fine Tea Auction, 100 grams of Taiping Houkui fetched 159,000 yuan.

In May 2009, at the Jinan “National Gift Tea Anhui Taiping Houkui Fine Tea Auction,” 100 grams of Taiping Houkui were sold for 200,000 yuan, equivalent to 2 million yuan per kilogram.

The tea trees producing this valuable tea are over 300 years old and come from wild tea trees, making them the most precious within the Taiping Houkui variety.

3. West Lake Longjing Royal 18 Trees-(西湖龙井御前18棵)-Green Tea

Pinyin: Xīhú Lóngjǐng Yù Qian 18 Kē

West Lake Longjing tea has long been hailed as one of China’s top ten famous teas, and the “Royal 18 Trees” Longjing is undoubtedly one of the most expensive teas in the world.

Currently, only two liang (around 100 grams) of Royal 18 Trees Longjing are produced each year, and its value is beyond precise measurement.

Although the prices of premium Longjing tea have decreased in recent years, excellent top-grade West Lake Longjing is still sought after by many connoisseurs, and high-priced Longjing teas continue to emerge.

2. Wuyi Mountain Mother Tree Da Hong Pao-(武夷山大红袍母树)-Oolong Tea

Pinyin: Wǔyí Shān Dà Hóng Páo Mǔshù

In 1998, during the inaugural China Wuyi Mountain Da Hong Pao Tea Cultural Festival, Australian tea enthusiast Xu Rongmao, known as the “Mansion King,” purchased 20 grams of Mother Tree Da Hong Pao for a staggering 156,800 yuan.

On April 13, 2005, during the 12th Shanghai International Tea Culture Festival, 20 grams of Wuyi Mountain Mother Tree Da Hong Pao were auctioned for 198,000 yuan. At the 7th Wuyi Mountain Tea Culture Festival, the same tea was sold for 208,000 yuan, equivalent to 10.4 million yuan per kilogram.

The value of Wuyi Mountain Mother Tree Da Hong Pao cannot be adequately described, as it is considered priceless. With only six remaining mother trees, this tea has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage and has been banned from harvesting since 2006.

Click Here to see the recommended tea pots for this type of tea.✨

1. Pu’er Jin Gua Gong Tea-(普洱金瓜贡茶)-Pu’er Tea

Pinyin: Pǔ’ěr Jīn Guā Gòng Chá

Jin Guan Gong Tea, a premium aged Pu’er tea, is now classified as a second-level national cultural relic.

There are only two tuocha (compressed tea cakes) of genuine Yunnan Jin Gua Gong Tea left. When it was brought back to Pu’er City in Yunnan by the local people in 2007, its insurance value alone reached 19.99 million yuan.

Yunnan Jin Gua Gong Tea is truly priceless and has become a “divine tea” that can only be admired and revered.

After exploring these most expensive teas, what are your thoughts, tea enthusiasts?

These teas have become “national treasures” or “state gifts” due to their exceptional quality, and their value justifies their high prices.

When selecting and purchasing tea, it’s important to stay within your budget and not solely chase after high prices. Don’t be intimidated by these “sky-high priced teas.”

Remember, the best tea is the one that suits you the most😊

What are compressed tea cakes exactly?✨ My detailed explanation is HERE.


How does the age of the tea trees contribute to the exceptional quality of Anhui Taiping Houkui tea?

Anhui Taiping Houkui tea’s remarkable quality is influenced by its tea trees, which are over 300 years old and sourced from wild plants. The age of these trees imparts a depth of flavor and complexity to the tea, creating a truly exceptional and sought-after brew.

What role does the geographical environment play in enhancing the taste of Anhui Huangshan Maofeng tea?

Anhui Huangshan Maofeng tea benefits from its high-altitude growth in the Huangshan Mountains. The pristine air and mineral-rich soil infuse the leaves with unique flavors, creating a cup that’s refreshingly floral and subtly sweet.

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