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Chinese Housewarming Gift for a Prosperous Home

I understand the importance of selecting the perfect housewarming gift for your Chinese friends. Chinese culture beautifully combines a deep appreciation for tradition with a celebration of the present. The housewarming party holds immense significance as it marks the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of families.

In line with Chinese customs, presenting a thoughtful housewarming gift is not only a gesture of goodwill but also a way to bestow blessings of good luck upon the new home.

In this article, I will guide you through the cultural significance of housewarming gifts in Chinese tradition and offer a curated selection of meaningful and auspicious gift ideas that will bring joy and prosperity to your friends’ new abode.

When selecting a Chinese housewarming gift, it is crucial to consider the recipient’s taste and lifestyle.

To make the gift more meaningful and auspicious, several options can bring good luck to the new home:

Lucky Bamboo: Symbol of Good Fortune and Vitality

Lucky bamboo, a popular and auspicious plant, represents good fortune, prosperity, and vitality. Its presence is believed to bring luck to the home or office. When gifting lucky bamboo, ensure it is healthy with vibrant green leaves and choose a stalk count associated with specific meanings, such as eight for wealth and prosperity.

Bamboo has speacil bond with Chinese people and plays important part in Chinese culture. Learn about the story behind it.👍

Other Plants Include:

  1. Money Tree (Pachira aquatica): Also known as the “Good Luck Tree,” the Money Tree is associated with prosperity and abundance. Its braided trunk and lush green leaves make it an aesthetically pleasing gift, symbolizing wealth and financial success.
  2. Orchids: Orchids are highly valued in Chinese culture, symbolizing elegance, refinement, and fertility. They are considered auspicious plants that bring beauty and harmony to the home. Phalaenopsis orchids are particularly popular as housewarming gifts.
  3. Potted Citrus Tree: Citrus trees, such as kumquat or mandarin orange trees, are commonly given as housewarming gifts during Chinese New Year. These trees symbolize good luck, wealth, and abundance. The fruits they bear are associated with prosperity and are often seen as a sign of favorable fortune.

Chinese Laughing Buddha: Bringer of Happiness and Prosperity

The Laughing Buddha is a revered symbol associated with good fortune and prosperity in Chinese culture. The statue, often made of jade or other materials, features a joyful and smiling figure with a prominent belly and a bag of treasures.

A Laughing Buddha statue serves as a constant reminder to embrace happiness and can be a perfect gift for individuals interested in Feng Shui or Chinese culture.

Vase with Flowers: Symbolizing Peace and Harmony

In Chinese tradition, gifting a vase, also known as “Hua Ping,” symbolizes peace and tranquility for the new home. It is important to present the vase with lucky flowers, avoiding white chrysanthemums traditionally used in funerals. This gift shows care and a desire for the recipient to experience peace in their new abode.

My parents got a even bigger vase which is made in Qing Dynasty as home decor when they moved the hosue. 😂

Kitchenware and Utensils

Practical gifts for the kitchen are also common. Traditional Chinese superstitions suggest that sharp objects, such as knives, should be avoided as they may “cut” the relationship between the giver and recipient.

However, gifting items such as tea sets, chopsticks, or high-quality cookware is considered appropriate.

Tea and Teaware: Gift of Wellness and Longevity

Tea has been an integral part of Chinese culture for centuries, known for its health benefits and connection to longevity. Giving tea and teaware as a housewarming gift not only reflects Chinese traditions but also offers wellness and relaxation to the recipient.

Chinese teas are available in various flavors and types, allowing for a personalized and thoughtful gift.

If you are thinking to get the best teapot for your Chinese friend, this aultimate guide you have to read.👀

Wealth Symbols: Blessings of Prosperity and Good Fortune

Symbols of wealth are always well-received as housewarming gifts. Wealth ships, money bowl, and gold coin are popular choices that convey blessings and good fortune to the recipient. These gifts symbolize the well-wishes and prosperity bestowed upon the new homeowners by their friends and loved ones.

Paintings: Enhancing Home Aesthetics with Luck and Beauty

Artwork, particularly paintings, can significantly enhance the aesthetics of a home while attracting luck and positive energy. Chinese landscape paintings or calligraphy pieces make wonderful housewarming gifts, as they bring beauty and wisdom to the living space.

These artworks can be displayed in the living room or home office, serving as a source of inspiration and good fortune.

I rememberd when my parents moved into a new house, they got two massive wall paintings from relatives and friends.👨‍👩‍👧

Learn about the best paitning and wall decor to buy and the meanings behind by a simple click! 

Fruit Basket

Fruit baskets are a popular and meaningful gift that conveys wishes for longevity, health, and vitality.

When gifting fruit baskets to young married couples who are moving into a new home, it is customary to include fruits with many seeds. This symbolizes the desire for offspring, and it comes as no surprise that parents eagerly anticipate receiving such gifts, as they are excited about the prospect of having grandchildren.

The act of a young couple moving into a new home often signifies the availability of personal space for romance, which in turn increases the chances of conceiving a child. Therefore, including fruits associated with fertility luck in these fruit baskets is considered auspicious.

Examples of such fruits include pomegranates, melons, and dates. However, it is advisable to avoid including pears, as they are often seen as taboo for gift-giving.

Fruit baskets not only serve as a delightful and nutritious present but also carry symbolic meanings that bring well-wishes and hopes for a prosperous future.

Electronic Home Appliances

Like air frier, kettles, and dishwashers make excellent Chinese housewarming gifts due to their convenience, modernity, and practicality. They symbolize a desire for the recipients to enjoy a comfortable and well-equipped living environment, while also saving time and effort in daily tasks.

These durable appliances cater to busy lifestyles and showcase thoughtfulness for the homeowners’ needs. Offering reputable brands and considering the recipients’ preferences adds an extra touch of consideration to the gift.

A Fish Tank or Small Aquarium

It is a wonderful Chinese housewarming gift for several reasons. It symbolizes wealth and prosperity, bringing positive energy and good fortune to the home.

  • The presence of fish creates a serene and calming atmosphere, promoting relaxation and reducing stress.
  • It serves as an aesthetically pleasing decorative element, adding beauty and elegance to any room.
  • Additionally, a fish tank provides educational opportunities, especially for children, and can be a therapeutic and rewarding hobby.
  • Considerations of Feng Shui principles can further enhance the positive energy it brings.

Offering a fish tank as a gift is a thoughtful gesture that combines symbolism, aesthetics, and the promotion of a harmonious living space.

Red Packets

Red packets, also known as Hong Bao, have been a traditional way to gift money for special occasions in Chinese culture for centuries. They are commonly seen during Chinese New Year, weddings, and birthdays. However, in modern times, red packets have evolved into a versatile and popular gift suitable for various joyous events.

While some may perceive the act of giving red packets as lazy or thoughtless compared to selecting a tangible gift, it is important to note the cultural significance. When preparing red packets, it is customary to include money in even amounts.

It is advisable to avoid number combinations that are considered unlucky, such as the number “4” which sounds similar to “death,” or combinations like “174” that can be associated with unfortunate meanings. Instead, opting for numbers like “8,” which symbolizes wealth and prosperity, is considered auspicious.

By adhering to these customs and selecting appropriate amounts and numbers, red packets continue to be a meaningful and cherished tradition in Chinese culture, offering financial blessings and well-wishes for the recipients.

Water Flow Home Decor Object

This item represents the flow of wealth and prosperity into the home. It typically consists of a display featuring cascading coins or gold ingots, along with symbols of water or fish.

This gift is highly valued in Chinese culture because it is believed to attract financial abundance and good fortune. The flowing water symbolizes the continuous influx of wealth, while the coins or gold ingots represent prosperity and monetary success. Additionally, the presence of fish symbolizes surplus and abundance in Chinese culture.

You are offering a meaningful and auspicious present that conveys your best wishes for the recipients’ financial prosperity and success. This decorative item serves as a reminder of the importance of wealth and abundance in Chinese culture and can be displayed prominently in the new home to invite positive energy and blessings of prosperity.

Chinese Housewarming Traditions

Setting a Propitious Date: Before moving into a new home, it is customary to consult a Chinese almanac or a Feng Shui expert to determine an auspicious date and time for the housewarming. This is believed to bring good luck and positive energy to the new dwelling.

Cleansing and Purification: Prior to moving in, the house is thoroughly cleaned to remove any negative energy or lingering spirits. Sweeping and mopping are done from the back to the front of the house, symbolizing the ushering in of good fortune. Some families may also burn incense or perform rituals to cleanse and purify the space.

Door Blessing: A red auspicious banner or couplets with well wishes are often placed on the main entrance door or gate. These banners typically contain phrases like “福到” (Fú Dào) meaning “fortune arrives” or “吉祥如意” (Jíxiáng Rúyì) meaning “good luck and prosperity.” This is believed to attract positive energy and ward off evil spirits.

Gifting: It is common for friends and family to bring housewarming gifts when visiting the new home. Traditional gifts may include fruits symbolizing abundance, tea sets representing harmony, or red packets filled with money symbolizing good fortune. Practical items for the household are also appreciated.

Welcoming Rituals: The homeowners may hold a small ceremony to officially welcome their family and friends into the new home. This may involve lighting candles, offering incense, or performing a simple prayer to bless the house and express gratitude.

Housewarming Feast: It is customary to host a celebratory meal for close family and friends after moving into the new home. A variety of auspicious dishes are prepared, often symbolizing good luck, prosperity, and longevity. Sharing a meal together signifies unity, harmony, and the start of a new chapter in the home.

Chinese Housewarming Gift Etiquette and Superstitions


  1. Choose gifts that symbolize good luck, happiness, and prosperity.
  2. Consider the recipient’s preferences, interests, and cultural background.
  3. Present the gift with both hands as a sign of respect and sincerity.
  4. Avoid giving gifts in sets of four, as the pronunciation of “four” in Chinese sounds similar to the word for “death” and is considered unlucky.
  5. Wrap the gift in red or gold paper, as these colors symbolize good fortune.


  1. Avoid giving clocks, as the word for “clock” in Chinese sounds similar to the word for “funeral” and is associated with bad luck.
  2. Sharp objects like knives and scissors are believed to cut the relationship between the giver and the recipient and should be avoided.
  3. Give money in even amounts in red packets, as odd numbers are associated with funerals and are considered unlucky.
  4. Choose gifts that are associated with positive symbolism, such as the Chinese character “福” (fú) for good fortune or the “double happiness” character “囍” (xǐ) for marital bliss.
  5. Avoid gifts that carry negative connotations or superstitions, such as handkerchiefs, straw sandals, or anything associated with funerals.

Remember that these customs may vary based on regional traditions and individual preferences. It’s always a good idea to consider the specific cultural background and beliefs of the recipient when selecting a housewarming gift in China.


The act of giving a housewarming gift in Chinese culture is a meaningful way to honor tradition while celebrating new beginnings. By selecting a thoughtful and auspicious gift, guests convey their support and well-wishes to the new homeowners, creating a positive and harmonious environment.

Whether it’s a lucky bamboo plant, a Laughing Buddha statue, or a tea set, each gift carries its own symbolism and blessings, enriching the new home with luck and prosperity.


Are there any specific rituals or ceremonies performed during a Chinese housewarming?

Chinese housewarmings may involve various rituals and ceremonies depending on personal beliefs and cultural practices. These can include lighting incense or candles to purify the space, performing a traditional blessing ceremony, or inviting a Feng Shui expert to determine the auspicious arrangement of furniture and objects within the home.

These rituals are intended to bring good fortune, harmony, and positive energy to the new residence.

What are some traditional Chinese housewarming foods?

Chinese housewarming feasts often feature a variety of symbolic dishes. For example, whole fish represents abundance and prosperity, while dumplings signify wealth and unity.

Noodles symbolize longevity, and sticky rice cakes (Nian Gao) are associated with progress and achieving new heights. Serving fruits like oranges and tangerines, which represent good luck and wealth, is also common during housewarming celebrations.

How long after moving into a new home should a Chinese housewarming be held?

There is no fixed timeframe for holding a Chinese housewarming. Some prefer to have the celebration shortly after moving in, while others may choose a date that aligns with an auspicious occasion or a significant lunar calendar date.

It ultimately depends on personal preference and cultural beliefs. The most important aspect is to create a joyous and harmonious gathering to bless the new home and share the happiness with loved ones.

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